
Weather in Inca varies between the seasons of summer and winter. During the summer months, the weather is usually quite mild with temperatures ranging from daytime high temperatures of around 25°C to nighttime lows of between 12 - 15°C. Inca is pleasantly warm and humid during the summer months with the humidity reaching near saturation levels.

The winter climate in the region is much less humid but has temperatures that can vary drastically over a few days. Daytime temperatures can be anywhere from 5-15°C and nighttime temperatures can range from -5 - 10°C. During the winter months, Inca gets frequent periods of snow. These periods can last up to a couple of weeks, and snow accumulation can reach up to 30cm (12in).

Inca sees an average total of around 250 days of sunshine throughout the year, with the majority occurring during the summer months. The rainy season usually runs from mid October to mid April, however, the driest months are usually between December and April. The rain typically falls in afternoon storms that move in from the west, bringing cooler temperatures and broken cloud cover for a few hours.

The warmest months of the year in Inca are usually in the summer, with June, July and August being the hottest months. Winter temperatures can vary from mild on cloudy days to very cold on sunny days. It is not uncommon for temperatures to drop to -10°C on the coldest nights of winter.

Inca is a great destination for those looking for a unique mix of both summer and winter elements. During the summer months, visitors can enjoy the warm temperatures and relatively humid climate, while in the winter months tourists will get to admire the snowfall and much cooler temperatures. With the moderate temperatures and abundant sunshine throughout the year, Inca provides year-round opportunities to explore and enjoy.